Surviving a Coronavirus Quarantine in Your Apartment Home
You've heard the term "coronavirus" used a lot recently. Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that are common in people and animals. There are many of them and they are fairly common. COVID-19 is the name given to the disease caused by the new coronavirus that appeared recently in Wuhan City, China. Because COVID-19 is new, you might be hearing information that is confusing or conflicting.
Here's what we know: The symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to the flu with fever, coughing and shortness of breath. It appears to mainly be spread from person-to-person through droplets that are released when people who are infected cough, sneeze or otherwise transfer their germs to other surfaces. It may be possible for someone to touch a surface or object with the virus on it and then touch their nose or mouth and become infected, but this is not the main way the virus spreads, according to CDC and other health experts.
In addition to all the normal things you do to stay healthy, the preventive measures are the same as for the flu or other viruses, according to CDC:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. If soap and water aren't available, use an alcohol-based sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Practice Social Distancing. Stay at least 6 ft. away from others and keep your distance.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Many states have closed schools, restaurants, and bars as a safety precaution of the virus spreading. So, what can you to avoid going stir crazy when you’re cooped up in your apartment home with the kids?
There are plenty of things you can do to exercise in a small space. Yoga is a great option. You can also do crunches, burpees, mountain climbers, squats, lunges and more. Check out this CheatSheet article for more exercises you can do in a small space. In addition to all this, you can even do some weight exercises using something with a little weight, like a water bottle, if you don’t have any free weights in your home.
Fresh Air
If you aren’t feeling sick yourself, be sure to get some fresh air as well. Sit out on your private patio or take the dog for a walk around the community. Fresh air can do wonders when you’ve been cooped up inside all day and getting some sun will also help!
Games are a great way to get everyone involved and can help pass the time. Play a card or board game. If you don’t have any in the home, there are plenty of apps that allow you to play group games, like “Heads Up,” where you have to guess the word on the card that’s on your head from your friends’ clues before the timer runs out! Another fun app to use if everyone has their own mobile device, is Spaceteam. Spaceteam is a cooperative game for 2 to 8 players who shout instructions at each other and work together. There are plenty of other games you can find in the App store. You could also work on a puzzle, which could keep you entertained for hours.
Academic Time
With the kids being out of school, it’s a good idea to get some academic time in. Many schools have probably given you things for your child to work on while they’re out of school. If not, you can always have them work on things like sudoku books, word search, flash cards, study guides, or even starting a journal. This way they will keep their mind active and learning.
Creative Time
Take some time and get creative! You could do some coloring, drawing, painting or other arts and crafts. Build with Legos or blocks, or even cook or bake something together! Have the kids put on a play or a fashion show for you.
This is a great time to do some spring cleaning of your apartment home. Wipe down all kitchen tables and chairs. Wipe down all door handles, light switches, and desktops. Thoroughly clean the bathroom(s) by wiping down the sink, toilet, and tub. Get your home decluttered and sanitized. Now is as good as time as any to give your home a deep clean.
Additionally, this is the perfect time to tackle some of those lingering projects. Organize your closets and cabinets or perform a deep clean on your fridge or stove!
There’s always time to relax and watch a movie with family. Make a batch of popcorn and watch a movie with the kids, or binge watch that show you’ve been dying to see after the kids go to bed. There are plenty of things you can stream and watch on demand. You could even rent a newer movie through your cable provider or Amazon Prime. Check out our streaming blog article to see which streaming service is best for you!
We know it can be tough having to stay home all day, but with all these different activities, we hope that you will make the most of being cooped up inside and hope that this will all blow over soon. It’s important to do your part in preventing the spread of this virus, so if you don’t need to leave your home, then don’t. If you are living in one of our apartment communities, please let the office know if you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, are self-quarantining or have tested positive for COVID-19. We would like to take preventative measures to keep our teams safe so they can continue to provide excellent customer service.